
PSV-licenced Drivers always considered
On the look out
We are always on the lookout for team players who may want some occasional work in this field. We are always looking for bearers, funeral attendants, drivers (whether PSV or not) and any combination of these to join our team. If you are a PSV driver who can also bear, even better!
In addition, we also have our out-of-hours callout team, and we are always looking for members to join this team who are willing to be on call overnight and at weekends to undertake collections as needed.
All training will be given, and you’ll be a part of a great team doing something really important for the community, and of course earning some extra cash at the same time.
If this interests you, feel free to get in touch or pop in to our offices on Great Union Road to have a chat.
Maillards Funeral Directors – tel. 737291.